Sunday 26 August 2018

latest christmas makes

 this is a 12 inch metal wreath, covered with jute string and various mdf Christmas shapes that have been covered with papers and made to look vintage
 this wreath is wrapped with hessian ribbon with pink organza bows, mdf snowflakes and hand made poinsettia's from Anna Marie's beautiful vintage papers
 this is wrapped in craft paper and then a ribbon from Polkadoodles with various Christmas embellishments added
 i also made an acetate front box for the above wreath
 this is made using the waste from John next doors new poinsettia dies, it just shouted to be used and not thrown,
 this is an mdf plaque made using Anna Marie tissue techniques which i love,
 made using Phil Martins new large Christmas stamp, embossed with his silver detail powder,
 another tissue on mdf door hanger, from Anna Marie, using her ice effect over it makes it look old and fabulous
 made from the kanban Christmas collection kits and Linda Chapman's poinsettia die, which is lovely
 a shaker card using kanban Christmas kit
 and another shaker card
 also kanban
 another shaker card,
and an easel card using kanban kit again

hope you like them, there will be more to come, i plan to get back to my blog as i have left it unattended for long enough. there have been many makes in between that i have not put up so i will try to be better
if there is anything here that you would like further information on just post me